We reduced our carbon footprint by 39% in one year


Our teams' efforts to improve our carbon footprint, an indicator reflecting the amount of greenhouse gases, are beginning to bear fruit. This year (thanks to our footprint calculations for 2021 and 2022) we can say that we have reduced our carbon footprint per unit of product by 39% compared to the previous year, which indicates that we are on the right track and should continue to do so.

Some of the measures we have been implementing that have enabled this reduction are as follows:

  • Reaching 100% green energy throughout the Group.
  • Increasing the number of installations with solar panels on the roofs (which will continue to increase)
  • Installing heat recovery units and LED lighting
  • Automate and robotise our processes
  • Optimise our logistics (renew fleet, improve occupancy rate, waiting times, encourage the use of electric vehicles...)

Now, for scope 3 of the footprint and to continue advancing with new actions to mitigate and compensate our consumption and to achieve sustainable production.

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For a greener future

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