Striving for excellence

Research applied to marinades

Our team of specialists in processes, quality and food security works together on a daily basis to ensure the quality of Coopecarn's products with the strict self-controls applied by our ACCP system (Analysis of Critical Control Points).

Our R&D team works in coordination with Grup Cañigueral’s other professionals and its pilot plant to perform research in developing new marinated products and their packaging and presentation to offer our consumers ever better solutions. With quality, each and every day.

We create the initial idea, develop it, measure its organoleptic qualities and, finally, test its popularity with a panel of consumers. Only this way, through continuous, methodical work, can we achieve the excellence that sets us apart.

One of the most recent projects is the one carried out by Coopecarn Girona, SA, with funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EU) to promote a process for obtaining LegHemoglobin and its industrial viability for preparing vegetable based products. Project financed through Operation 16.01.01 (cooperation for innovation) of the PDR of Catalonia 2014-2020. For more information click here.

Our team of specialists in quality and food security
works to continuously improve our processes

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